Day 3: Gear Ratios

This was an enjoyable but time-intensive thing to do this Sunday. Ironically the easier part one took me longer, as I had a bug where having two of the same number on one line caused an issue, which was a bit difficult to find and resolve. I already feel like I have more flow with coding these problems and have improved and learnt a lot.

Once that was done though, part two was fairly quick to solve although mentally intensive. The code for that is inelegant and verbose because I basically manually check the * characters for being potential gears manually in each direction to run the recursive steps afterwards. It would be better to condense that to a single flexible function. But, got the answer now and not going to refactor.

Later after solving the puzzles, I checked out a video of a guy solving it in Rust. Watched maybe half and hated his approach, and didn't understand a lot of the Rust code. I think he was using vector maps. I realise that my way of approaching these problems is probably very JS orientated for someone who comes from a web background. There are likely way more elegant and efficient ways to tackle the problems, although in a way I found at least the start of how I tackled it nicer than the other guys approach. For sure I am learning a lot and this is great.

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const gearRatios = []; // var cumTot = 0; function isSymbol(char) { var isSymbol = true; // console.log('checking char', char) const isNum = !isNaN(char); if( isNum ) { isSymbol = false; } if( char === '.' ) { isSymbol = false; } if( isSymbol ) { return true; } else { return false; } } const schemaLines = engineSchema.split(/\n/); // console.log(schemaLines); schemaLines.forEach(function(line,index){ const cleanLine = line.trim(); schemaLines[index] = cleanLine; }); schemaLines.forEach(function(line,index){ const thisLinePartsFound = []; const lineIndex = index; // console.log('lineIndex', lineIndex); const cleanLine = line.trim(); // console.log(cleanLine); const lineChars = cleanLine.split(''); const numbers = []; var numberCount = 0; var weAreBuildingNumber = false; var lineAbove = null; var lineBelow = false; console.log('-'); console.log(`---- LINE ${lineIndex + 1} ANALYSIS -----`); lineChars.forEach(function(char, i){ // console.log(char); const isNum = !isNaN(char); // console.log(`${char} is number`,isNum); if( weAreBuildingNumber ) { // already building a number if( isNum ) { const numberBeingBuilt = numbers[numberCount-1][0]; const buildNumber = `${numberBeingBuilt}${char}`; numbers[numberCount - 1][0] = buildNumber; } else { weAreBuildingNumber = false; } } else { // new number if( isNum ) { weAreBuildingNumber = true; numberCount = numberCount + 1; // console.log('numberCount',numberCount); const numInstance = [char, i]; numbers[numberCount - 1] = numInstance; } } if( char === '*' ) { const potentialGearNumbers = []; const starPos = i; console.log('found a * at pos',starPos); var buildingPrecedeNum = true; var precedeNum = ''; var posToCheck = starPos - 1; while( buildingPrecedeNum ) { if( posToCheck >= 0 ) { const checkingChar = cleanLine.charAt(posToCheck); const checkingCharIsNum = !isNaN(checkingChar); if( checkingCharIsNum ) { precedeNum = `${checkingChar}${precedeNum}`; posToCheck = posToCheck - 1; } else { buildingPrecedeNum = false; } } else { buildingPrecedeNum = false; } } if( precedeNum.length ) { potentialGearNumbers.push(precedeNum); } var buildingFollowNum = true; var followNum = ''; var posToCheck = starPos + 1; while( buildingFollowNum ) { if( posToCheck < cleanLine.length ) { const checkingChar = cleanLine.charAt(posToCheck); const checkingCharIsNum = !isNaN(checkingChar); if( checkingCharIsNum ) { followNum = `${followNum}${checkingChar}`; posToCheck = posToCheck + 1; } else { buildingFollowNum = false; } } else { buildingFollowNum = false; } } if( followNum.length ) { potentialGearNumbers.push(followNum); } console.log('potentialGearNumbers',potentialGearNumbers); function buildNumBackNForth(string, startPos) { var number = string.charAt(startPos); var buildingLeft = true; var checkPos = startPos; // start recursing left while( buildingLeft ) { checkPos = checkPos - 1; if( checkPos >= 0 ) { const checkChar = string.charAt(checkPos); const checkCharIsNum = !isNaN(checkChar); if( checkCharIsNum ) { number = `${checkChar}${number}`; } else { buildingLeft = false; } } else { buildingLeft = false; } } var buildingRight = true; checkPos = startPos; // start recursing right while( buildingRight ) { checkPos = checkPos + 1; if( checkPos < string.length ) { const checkChar = string.charAt(checkPos); const checkCharIsNum = !isNaN(checkChar); if( checkCharIsNum ) { number = `${number}${checkChar}`; } else { buildingRight = false; } } else { buildingRight = false; } } return number; } // lets see if we already found 2 because it seems like the people who designed the puzzle are geniuses and never allowed possibilities in both directions if( potentialGearNumbers.length === 2 ) { console.log('! Alert: found a gear at line level!'); const num1 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[0]); const num2 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[1]); const gearRatio = num1*num2; console.log('gear ratio is ', gearRatio); gearRatios.push(gearRatio); } else { // lets keep looking for potential gears (above and below lol) // first, above const lineAboveIndex = lineIndex - 1; if( lineAboveIndex >= 0 ) { const lineAbove = schemaLines[lineAboveIndex]; const charAbove = lineAbove.charAt(starPos); const charAboveIsNum = !isNaN(charAbove); if( charAboveIsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineAbove, starPos); // console.log('above number is', number); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } else { const diagLeftPos = starPos - 1; if( diagLeftPos >= 0 ) { const charDiagLeft = lineAbove.charAt(diagLeftPos); const charDiagLeftIsNum = !isNaN(charDiagLeft); if( charDiagLeftIsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineAbove, diagLeftPos); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } } const diagRightPos = starPos + 1; if( diagRightPos < cleanLine.length ) { const charDiagRight = lineAbove.charAt(diagRightPos); const charDiagRightsNum = !isNaN(charDiagRight); if( charDiagRightsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineAbove, diagRightPos); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } } } } console.log('potentialGearNumbers', potentialGearNumbers); // lets see if we found 2 if( potentialGearNumbers.length === 2 ) { const num1 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[0]); const num2 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[1]); const gearRatio = num1*num2; console.log('gear ratio is ', gearRatio); gearRatios.push(gearRatio); } else { // lets check below const lineBelowIndex = lineIndex + 1; if( lineBelowIndex < schemaLines.length ) { // start copy paste of above and inelegantly change to below const lineBelow = schemaLines[lineBelowIndex]; const charBelow = lineBelow.charAt(starPos); const charBelowIsNum = !isNaN(charBelow); if( charBelowIsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineBelow, starPos); // console.log('above number is', number); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } else { const diagLeftPos = starPos - 1; if( diagLeftPos >= 0 ) { const charDiagLeft = lineBelow.charAt(diagLeftPos); const charDiagLeftIsNum = !isNaN(charDiagLeft); if( charDiagLeftIsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineBelow, diagLeftPos); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } } const diagRightPos = starPos + 1; if( diagRightPos < cleanLine.length ) { const charDiagRight = lineBelow.charAt(diagRightPos); const charDiagRightsNum = !isNaN(charDiagRight); if( charDiagRightsNum ) { const number = buildNumBackNForth(lineBelow, diagRightPos); potentialGearNumbers.push(number); } } } // end copy paste of above console.log('potentialGearNumbers', potentialGearNumbers); // lets see if we found 2 if( potentialGearNumbers.length === 2 ) { const num1 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[0]); const num2 = parseFloat(potentialGearNumbers[1]); const gearRatio = num1*num2; console.log('gear ratio is ', gearRatio); gearRatios.push(gearRatio); } } } } } }); // console.log('numbers found', numbers); numbers.forEach(function(numberInstance){ var isPart = false; // const numStartPos = cleanLine.indexOf(number); // this obviously doesn't work if there are two same numbers in a line const numStartPos = numberInstance[1]; // console.log(`------ number ${number} found at ${numStartPos}`); const number = numberInstance[0]; // check preceding char const precedingPos = numStartPos - 1; if( precedingPos >= 0 ) { const precedingChar = cleanLine.charAt(precedingPos); // console.log('the preceding char is',precedingChar); const precedingIsSymbol = isSymbol(precedingChar); if( precedingIsSymbol ) { // console.log(`preceding char ${precedingChar} is a symbol`); // console.log("it's a part!"); isPart = true; partNumbers.push(number); thisLinePartsFound.push(number); // cumTot = cumTot + +number; } } if( isPart ) { return; } // check following char const numLen = number.length; // console.log(`the length of number ${number} is ${numLen}`); const followingPos = numStartPos + numLen; // console.log('the following position is', followingPos); if( followingPos < cleanLine.length ) { const followingChar = cleanLine.charAt(followingPos); // console.log('the following char is',followingChar); const followingIsSymbol = isSymbol(followingChar); if( followingIsSymbol ) { // console.log(`following char ${followingChar} is a symbol`); // console.log("it's a part!"); isPart = true; partNumbers.push(number); thisLinePartsFound.push(number); // cumTot = cumTot + +number; } } if( isPart ) { return; } function checkAdjacentLine(line, firstPosToCheck, lastPosToCheck) { var partCaseFound = false; if( firstPosToCheck < 0 ) { firstPosToCheck = 0; } // console.log(`firstPosToCheck is ${firstPosToCheck} in check function`); if( followingPos > cleanLine.length - 1 ) { lastPosToCheck = cleanLine.length - 1; } // console.log(`lastPosToCheck is ${lastPosToCheck} in check function`); const rangeToCheck = lastPosToCheck - firstPosToCheck; for( var i=0; i <= rangeToCheck; i++ ) { const posToCheck = firstPosToCheck + i; // console.log(`we are checking the line at position ${posToCheck}`); const checkingChar = line[posToCheck]; const checkingCharIsSymbol = isSymbol(checkingChar); if( checkingCharIsSymbol ) { // console.log(`char ${checkingChar} is a symbol`); partCaseFound = true; } } if( partCaseFound ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // start checking adjacent lines var firstPosToCheck = precedingPos; var lastPosToCheck = followingPos; // check the line above, if there is one const lineAboveIndex = lineIndex - 1; if( lineAboveIndex >= 0 ) { lineAbove = schemaLines[lineAboveIndex]; // console.log('lineAbove', lineAbove); // console.log(`we are checking number ${number}`); // console.log('firstPosToCheck',firstPosToCheck); // console.log('lastPosToCheck',lastPosToCheck); // console.log('linelength',cleanLine.length); const partCaseFound = checkAdjacentLine(lineAbove, firstPosToCheck, lastPosToCheck); if( partCaseFound ) { // console.log(`part found because line above has symbol adjacent to number ${number}`); isPart = true; partNumbers.push(number); thisLinePartsFound.push(number); // cumTot = cumTot + +number; } } if( isPart ) { return; } // check the line below, if there is one const lineBelowIndex = lineIndex + 1; if( lineBelowIndex < schemaLines.length ) { lineBelow = schemaLines[lineBelowIndex]; // console.log('lineBelow', lineBelow); const partCaseFound = checkAdjacentLine(lineBelow, firstPosToCheck, lastPosToCheck); if( partCaseFound ) { // console.log(`part found because line below has symbol adjacent to number ${number}`); isPart = true; partNumbers.push(number); thisLinePartsFound.push(number); // cumTot = cumTot + +number; } } }); // if( lineAbove ) { // console.log(lineAbove); // } // console.log(line); // if( lineBelow ) { // console.log(lineBelow); // } // console.log(`on line ${lineIndex + 1} the numbers are`, numbers); // console.log(`on line ${lineIndex + 1} found parts`, thisLinePartsFound); }); console.log('partNumbers', partNumbers); var total = 0; partNumbers.forEach(function(partNumber) { // console.log(typeof partNumber); const number = parseFloat(partNumber); total = total + number; }); console.log('total',total); // console.log('cumTot',cumTot); // var noDupTotal = 0; // const partNumbersNoDups = new Set(partNumbers); // console.log('partNumbersNoDups',partNumbersNoDups); // partNumbersNoDups.forEach(function(number){ // noDupTotal = noDupTotal + +number; // }); // console.log('noDupTotal',noDupTotal); console.log('gear ratios are:',gearRatios) var totalFromGearRatios = 0; gearRatios.forEach(function(gearRatio){ totalFromGearRatios = totalFromGearRatios + +gearRatio; }); console.log('totalFromGearRatios',totalFromGearRatios);
All days / Day 4